Monday, December 21, 2009
Our Visit With Santa
Ruthie had her first visit with Santa today. We thought we'd try for a Ruthie-only picture but, by the photo, you can see how that went. She started crying and getting upset when it was just her, so we decided I'd sit with Santa, too. That calmed her down and then Tate joined us. She kept looking past me and to Santa and giving him very skeptical and questioning looks. Once the picture was taken (a bit of a feat unto itself because of the aforementioned fixation with watching Santa), we packed her back into her stroller... where she started crying again. Usually that's a happy place for her, but it was as if she remembered what happened moment earlier and needed to let us know that she continued not being happy about it. Needless to say, we hastened to the car and to home where her crib awaited her. Our normally happy and easygoing girl was definitely not a big fan of the experience, but you wouldn't necessarily know it by the photo. It's a memory, though, and I'm glad to have done it (though Ruthie might beg to differ with me).